Welcome to the BASD Youth Soccer Registration Page. This is for BARRON Students Only.
Below are the dates of birth for each level of soccer play.
6U - players born 2020/2019 ($25 registration fee)
8U - players born 2018/2017 ($25 registration fee)
10U - players born 2016/2015 ($25 registration fee )
All fees must be paid prior to playing.
Player's First Name
Player's Last Name
Player's Date of Birth
School Player Attends
If player does not attend the Barron Area School District, please indicate player's home address.
Parent/Guardian #1 Name
Parent/Guardian #1 Phone Number
Parent/Guardian #1 Email Address
Parent/Guardian #2 Name
Parent/Guardian #2 Phone Number
Parent/Guardian #2 Email Address
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Emergency Contact Relationship to Player
Does the Player have any medical issues that the coach need to be aware of?
Player's Medical Condition(s):
On occasions pictures of participants may be taken and shared in promoting Barron Area Youth Sports. Pictures may be published in local newspapers, on the Barron Area Youth Sports website, and on the Barron Area Youth Sports Facebook page. Do you give permission for photos of your child to be published:
Are you willing to coach? If you are a parent and volunteer to coach, you will be refunded your child's registration fee at the end of the season.
Are you willing to assist coach? If you are a parent and volunteer to coach, you will be refunded your child's registration fee at the end of the season.
Is there another coach you would llike to assist?
All player's will receive a new team t-shirt. The cost is included in the registration fee. Please indicate player's t-shirt size
* Enter Your Email Address: